Monday, 6 February 2012

Crashed Crustacean

Out to the Sobeys grocery store today for some stuff and got a big surprise going by the lobster tank - DEAD LOBSTER.  IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TANK.

The poor dude(or dudette?  I couldn't tell) was literally flat on his/her back, and that flipper was not flipping.  The other lobsters were bunched up on either side of the square tank, leaving the dead one in full view in the center.

I paused in front of the tank, and then moved on, lest I start giggling uncontrollably.  Or throw pieces of dill and celery into the tank.  I thought wistfully for a moment of the perfect life and death lesson that could be utilized from this event.  But I had no offspring to educate in front of the tank.  And I'm assuming the fish person couldn't care less because even my long pause didn't elicit a response.

Had there been a showdown, a throwdown, it's gonna the tank?  UFC NIGHT gone horribly wrong?  The jonah crab in the tank beside it looked like they knew who did it but weren't telling.  The display fish in the frozen section nearby merely stared blankly ahead.

I pushed on(the cart) and slowly walked away.

That damn "Circle of Life" song from The Lion King is now stuck in my head.  Thanks a lot dead lobster.

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