Wednesday, 8 February 2012

My Buddy Dave

This is my buddy Dave.

Dave's an actor who's been on such milestone British shows as Emmerdale and Coronation Street.  He lived in Canada for a while and then moved back to the U.K.  He still finds time here and there to Skype with me which is awesome.

I met Dave over twenty years ago.  I remember having sub-par fries with him outside on a cold February evening.  I was freezing in a winter jacket - he was jovially comfortable in a jean jacket.  I knew he was cool then and there.

Dave is a funny guy.  I just mention his name to my Mom and she laughs.  A picture is twice the laughs.  If she sees him in person, death from a stroke could be imminent.

I haven't seen Dave since he went back to the U.K. around five years ago, but he's doing all right for himself.  He's in a zombie movie this year -

I don't think it gets any cooler than that.  Dave told me he has the first and last lines in the movie.  I don't think most guys have the first and last lines in a relationship, let alone a zombie movie.  But that Dave is just too cool for school.  In a jean jacket.  In New Brunswick.  In February.  All those years ago.

One day my Mom asked me what was new.  I told her I put some stuff out into the compost bin, and that Dave was in a zombie movie in 2012.  She immediately broke into hysterical laughter.

I don't know if it was because of Dave, or the compost bin.....


  1. How flattering. And a little creepy.... there's already enough spunk on this blog Fella!!!

    Hope all well. D
