Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Two Movies On The Weekend

This past weekend I took in two flicks.  I find the method of stacking movies every couple of weeks or so is more convenient than doing a weekly thing.  That, and it's too damn wintry out to do it every week.

Underworld:  Awakening was another installment drenched in blue filter.  I must admit, I was a sucker for the first one, didn't mind the second, had to see the third, and went to the fourth 'cause I'm a damn completist.

Beckinsale can still fill out a catsuit, but she's looking a little more drawn than the first time she wore the black leather almost ten years ago.  Storyline wasn't that intriguing, and the effects weren't that much better than previous efforts.  The saving grace was the 3D viewing which made things more funky.

Chronicle was a cheap-looking, annoying little piece of video camera schlock which had me yawning 10 minutes in.  The ad-libbed characters were so bad that you felt no empathy for them whether they lived or died.  And empathy is a handy thing if you want your audience to get fully immersed in the movie.

As the young kids would say, Chronicle "sucked", "blew", or other modern variations thereof.  Then again, the little weasels were probably texting like mad and trying to get to get to third base with whatever high school skank they brought.

Unfortunately for me, I had no such thing to color my enjoyment of the night.


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