It's Valentine's Day, and therefore the best day for an ode to my fave morning news program.
With me watching on the East Coast of Canada, KTLA is just getting going when most people are gone to work. You gotta love the fact that they're on the air reading news at 4AM Los Angeles time. That equates to 8AM my time, and I'll tell ya, it's a lot more entertaining than the other choices.
I'm always amazed at how the Ladies of KTLA are so casual compared to even the local news females. The local girls are so boring and stiff - even the national ones from CBC/CTV/Global are trying too hard. Then you've got the likes of Megan Henderson and Jessica Holmes on KTLA - you would think they'd be so stiff and serious but they're the complete opposite. Heck, Holmes has this gangly/goofy thing that she does sometimes that makes her just about the hottest, sweetest thing in the world.
Just give me a moment to catch my breath.
And Megan Henderson seems constantly amused at the whole situation, yet, like Holmes, she can be casual or professional as the situation call for. Unfortunately for them, yet fortunate for the viewer, the weather guys try and trip them up consistently. Somebody should give Mark Kriski his own show already.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention Sam Rubin. This guy is one of the few who can self-deprecate in one breath while being complementary in the next. He both reports and comments on the news at the same time. A very tough thing to pull off but Rubin consistently gives the goods.
I don't know what the Hell they'e doing on the Today show these days, but it's really fake and boring. Go on over to CBS and the best they could do was dig up Charlie Rose and Oprah's friend Gayle. Charlie's a great cure for insomnia and Gayle doesn't interview so much as act like an enamored fan. Blech.
And the Canadian national shows are stiff and boring as well. Even Breakfast Television, which used to be "hip" tv is some yammery chick and some fat guy with a suspenders fetish.
Nope, give me my KTLA - where the palm trees sway in February as the snow falls outside my window. Where producers do funny dances and the camera follows them. Where technicians will screw up your weather shot as payback for that remark Henry DiCarlo made about them. Sometimes the whole thing looks like some crazy community cable channel that was allowed to run amok. Sometimes you just gotta giggle and commend them for putting on television at 4 in the morning.
And have I mentioned Jessica Holmes? ( did already) Well, dammit, I'm not finished. As I said before, she's got this goofy/gangly thing going on that was hilarious a few years ago when she did some segments from New York with Martha Stewart. Holmes screwed up during some demo with Martha, causing the passive aggressive remark "oh dear" from Martha Stewat.
It was some great television - I don't know if there's any video around, try and find some if you can. I immediately thought that Holmes could pull off the goofy girl schtick that Allie MacKay currently does. Then again, it would have to be a little more sharp/sitcom-like stuff, rather than the slightly grating/repetitive loop that MacKay finds herself in some days.
Bottom line, I'm a big fan. I have whiled away many non-work day mornings with the KTLA gang, and I hope they continue to burn as hot as that California sun.
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